【視文所演講公告】Visual Cultures and the Ruptured Temporalities of Migrant Feminist Organizing(Dr. Feng-Mei Heberer [美國紐約大學 馬丁斯高西斯電影學院副教授 Associate Professor, Martin Scorsese Department of Cinema Studies, NYU])

講題:Visual Cultures and the Ruptured Temporalities of Migrant Feminist Organizing
講者:Dr. Feng-Mei Heberer, Associate Professor, Martin Scorsese Department of Cinema Studies, NYU(美國紐約大學 馬丁斯高西斯電影學院副教授)
主持人:王潔瑩(國立陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所 助理教授)
時間:2024年10月1日(二)下午1:30 - 4:20

線上聽講Google meet會議連結:https://meet.google.com/ixp-bbfq-kqg

講座摘要 Abstract:
This talk explores the role of visual cultures, and film festival organizing in particular, in excavating minoritarian genealogies of migrant feminist organizing in Germany. It takes as its starting point the Asian Film Festival Berlin (AFFB)—the first film festival in Germany to focus on Asian and diasporic cinemas through an intersectional lens. Starting in 2008, the AFFB’s political agenda leads us to a little-known history of South Korean migrant women’s activism in 1970s Cold War West Germany, thereby highlighting the ways that visual cultural practices become key sites for documenting migrant feminist realities outside the dominant metrics of national history and domestic feminist discourse.

