【所上教師活動分享】理論談話會THEORY TALKS 2023年12月23日談話會(本所與談人:勞維俊 [國立陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所副教授]、張君玫 [東吳⼤學社會學教授] )


開談人:張君玫、勞維俊(Louis Lo)
時間:2023年12月23日 2:00~5:30 pm

勞維俊 Louis Lo(國立陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所副教授)
題目:Baroque Revenge: An Approach to Problems of Modernity〔英文演講,中文討論〕
構想:Why do we need to theorize revenge? What is revenge? What is a revenger? Answers to these questions seem straight forward enough. Take the first question: Revenge is a counterblow to an offence or an injury. But why take revenge instead of forgive? For a sense of justice? But revenge is often excessive and produces more damage on the offender than the original crime. It is itself unjust and creates more rounds of revenge. An eye for an eye logic is said to be operating as a balancing act, but everyday experience tells us that it is not usually the case. In this talk I would like to try out an argument about revenge and its baroque nature by taking examples from literature (primarily Shakespearean revenge plays) and cinema (primarily contemporary Korean revenge films). The baroque style can be understood as excessive and exaggerated, characterized by theatricality and the stage, filled with contradictions and conflicts, operating in the realm of allegory, and its mood is melancholic. By enlisting theorists of revenge and the baroque including Nietzsche, Benjamin, and Deleuze vis-a-vis baroque critics such as Erik Roraback and William Egginton, I hope to arrive at an understanding of revenge that goes beyond what Nietzsche calls “the culture of revenge” which is reactionary, conservative, and spiteful.

題目:橫截性的分⼦群島思想 Transversal molecular archipelagic thinking
構想:如同有機體會和它的棲息地、環境和⾏星之間產⽣特殊共鳴,思考者也創造出與其處境及島嶼之間的共時性。對於⼀個後殖民群島思想者,任何通過此身⼼的,都必然經歷遷變。思考者及其世界之間,有著某種歷史特定的橫截共時性(transversal synchronicity)。

透過橫截共時性的概念,我想要重新勾畫⽣命、技術和思想之間的關係,它們很可能在最⼩的尺度上早已同時發⽣,比如Lynn Margulis所說的「微⽣物⼼智」(microbial mind)。回應Dipesh Chakrabarty在思考⼈類世時所主張的,物種歷史和資本歷史之間的交叉影線,我提出了「後殖民的分⼦化塗鴉」postcolonial molecular scribbling),我認為藝術治療中的塗鴉技法,使⽤流動的線條去追溯多向度的運動對我們時代的非線性歷史理解,會是⼀個更適切的隱喻。
