姓名 王潔瑩
職稱 助理教授
研究專長 亞美影像與媒體研究,香港電影與錄像藝術,視覺技術發展,影像典藏與修復,社會運動與社群媒體
聯絡電話 02-2826-7000 ext.67131
GitHub https://github.com/jyw321
NYCU Academic Hub https://scholar.nycu.edu.tw/zh/persons/klavier-wang
學歷 (Academic Qualifications)
  • 2021    紐約大學蒂勢藝術學院影像典藏與修復碩士 
  • 2015    香港浸會大學傳播學哲學博士
  • 2013    中央研究院社會學研究所青年訪問學者
  • 2011    香港浸會大學傳播學哲學碩士
  • 2009    香港中文大學全球全播文學碩士
  • 2008    中山大學公共關係管理學士

經歷 (Working Experience)
  • 2022.2 – date         國立陽明交通大學視覺文化研究所助理教授
  • 2021.9 – 2022.2     美國蓋提基金會蓋提博物館數位部軟體架構與用戶體驗設計師
  • 2021.6  2021.8     國家電影與視聽文化中心電影數位修復助理
  • 2021.1 – 2021.4     美國紐約大學圖書館特藏部影音典藏專員
  • 2016.3 – 2018.8     香港教育大學香港研究學院博士後研究員 
  • 2014.3 – 2018.8     分別於香港大學、香港理工大學、香港浸會大學和香港教育大學擔任兼任教授 
  • 2015.9 – 2015.12   香港浸會大學新聞系高級研究助理
榮譽與獎勵 (Honours & Awards)
  • 2019-2021  香港特別行政區政府卓越獎學金 
  • 2019-2021  美國紐約大學蒂勢藝術學院獎學金
  • 2020           美國環球影業電影典藏獎學金 
  • 2020           美國檔案學會 Oliver Wendell Holmes 研討會獎勵金 
  • 2020           美國 Lew Wasserman 實習獎學金
  • 2017           歐洲台灣研究協會「青年學者」首獎
期刊論文 (Journal Articles)
  • 2021 “Discovering, describing and digitising CCTV: Challenges and attempts of making New York Chinatown’s community television archive accessible”, Journal of Digital Media Management, 10 (1), 34-46.
  • 2017 “Mobilizing Resources to the Square: An exploration of Hong Kong's Anti-Moral-and-National-Education Movement”, International Journal of Cultural Studies, 20 (2), 127-145.
  • 2010 “Beyond information: The socio-cultural role of the Internet in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake”, Journal of Comparative Asian Development, 9 (2), 243-292.

專書著作 (Monographs)

專書論文 (Book Chapters)
  • 2021 Klavier Wang and Alice Lee, “Youth people’s media use and social participation in Hong Kong: A perspective of digital use divide”, in Morrell, E. & Rowsell, J. (eds.) Stories from Inequity to Justice in Literacy Education - Confronting Digital Divides (pp.110-129), London & CA: Routledge.
  • 2020 Klavier Wang and Stephanie Ng, “Our Little Twins Stars: Conglomerate-catalyzed cross-media stardom in the new millennium”, in Chik, A. and Fung, A. (eds.) Made in Hong Kong: Studies in popular music (pp.157-167), London & CA: Routledge.
  • 2020 Klavier Wang “China’s influence on Hong Kong’s entertainment industry: Lessons from film production”, in Fong, B., Wu, J., and Nathan, A. (eds.) China’s Influence and the Center-periphery Tug of War in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indo-Pacific (pp.139-154), London & CA: Routledge.
  • 2018 王潔瑩 “鏡頭下和政局裡的社會運動 - 香港台灣比較研究”, 鄭煒,袁瑋熙(編)社運年代:香港抗爭政治的軌跡 (pp.159-178), 香港中文大學出版社。
  • 2017 Klavier Wang, Eliz Wong and Hope St. John, “Touching A Nerve: A discussion on Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement”, in Brown, G., Feigenbaum, A., Frenzel, F., & McCurdy, P. (eds.) Protest Camps in International Context: Spaces, Infrastructures and Media of Resistance (pp.109-134). Bristol, UK: The Policy Press.

學術書評 (Book Reviews)
  • 2019 “Meeting Place: Encounters across cultures in Hong Kong”, The China Review, 19 (3), pp.186-189.
  • 2018 “Taiwan and the China Impact”, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 1 (2), pp.402-403.
  • 2018 “Hong Kong in the Cold War”, The China Review, 18 (4), pp.155-157.
過去五年發表之研討會論文 (Conference Papers from the Last Five Years)
  • 2022 “Hong Kong Co-Production Film under CEPA and Beyond: History, praxis and resistance in the field”, paper presented at Society for Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference: June 24-25.
  • 2021 “From Manhattan, with Awakening Voices of Asian Americans Research and preservation of 1970s Chinatown community media”, paper presented at the 25th SEAPAVAA (Southeast Asia-Pacific Audiovisual Archive Association) Annual Conference, online: June 23-25.
  • 2020 “‘We Won’t Move!’: Describing and Digitizing CCTV, Chinatown’s Public Access Television”, panel discussion at Association of Moving Image Archivists Annual Conference, online: Nov 17-20.
  • 2020 “Awakening Voices from Immigrants – Study of Asian CineVision in 1970s-80s New York Chinatown”, poster presented at Archives * Records 2020 – Society of American Archivists Annual Conference, online: August 3-7.
  • 2020 “Awakening Voices from Immigrants - Historical research and screening of CCTV programs from 1970s-80s Manhattan Chinatown”, paper presented at Orphan Film Symposium, online: May 23-27.
  • 2019 “Migrate to Taiwan from Hong Kong: A historical look into policy and media discourse” (co-author with Lee, P.S.), paper presented at North American Taiwan Studies Association Annual Conference, Seattle: May 17-19.
  • 2019 “Spiral of Forces, Tug of War: China influences in Hong Kong Film Industry under CEPA”, paper presented at International Communication Association Annual Conference, Washington D. C.: May 24-28.
  • 2017 “Legacy, Habitus, and Repertoires: A comparative study of anti-eviction movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan”, paper presented at European Association of Taiwan Studies Annual Conference, Venice, Italy: March 2-4.
  • 2017 “Multi-temporalities of Protest Songs in Hong Kong Umbrella Movement”, paper presented at American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Boston: April 5-9.
  • 2016 “What Makes the Local Identity among Hong Kong’s Post-Hand-Over Vocal Youth”, paper presented at Association of Asian Studies Regional Conference, Kyoto, Japan: June 24-27.
  • 2016 “Dynamism of Media and Political Logics in Mediatization of Politics - Comparing social movements in Taiwan and Hong Kong”, paper presented at European Association of Taiwan Studies Annual Conference, Prague, Czech: March 28-30.

國科會計畫 (NSTC Reasearch Project)
  • 2023.2.1 - 2025.1.31 消失的噪音: 一九六零至八零年代在美亞裔的游擊錄像與游擊藝術

受邀之公開演講與課堂演講 (Invited Talks & Lectures)

  • Mar 2021 Invited lecture: “Hong Kong Cinema – History and trends of co-production”, School of Area Studies, History, Politics and Literature, University of Portsmouth, UK.
  • Dec 2020 Public book talk: “Hong Kong Popular Culture: Worlding Film, TV and Pop Music”, 2019/2020 Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference “Book-talk (1): New Book Series for Hong Kong Studies”, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • Oct 2020 Invited lecture: “Awakening Voices from Immigrants: Chinese Cable Television in 1970s-1980s New York Chinatown”, Communication Arts 950: Media, Diaspora and Migrant Imaginations, Department of Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Apr 2020 Invited lecture: “Researching and Archiving Asian American Grassroot Media”, CINE-UT 21 Television: History & Culture, Department of Cinema Studies, New York University, New York.
  • Jan 2018 Public talk: “"Be Militant or Tolerant? Social Movement Repertoire and Culture in Hong Kong and Taiwan”, Center for Taiwan Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London, UK.
  • Dec 2017 Public talk: “Workshop on Studying Hong Kong Popular Culture: The Current Status of the Field”, 2016/2017 Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

電腦編程語言 (Programming Languages)
  • Python, Bash, HTML, MySQL

電影修復與影音典藏應用軟體 (Film Restoration Software & Audiovisual Editing Software)
  • Diamant, Davinci Resolve, Pro Tools, iZotope RX, FFmpeg, Adobe Premier, MediaArea, BagIt, ArchivesSpace, CollectiveAccess, Omeka