講題:Asian Diaspora's Visual Sabotage
講者:Dr. Feng-Mei Heberer, Associate Professor, Martin Scorsese Department of Cinema Studies, NYU(美國紐約大學 馬丁斯高西斯電影學院副教授)
主持人:蔡華臻(國立陽明交通大學社會文化研究所 助理教授)
時間:2024年10月3日(四)下午1:30 - 4:20
地點:人文社會學院三館 HC101(光復校區)
線上聽講Google meet會議連結:https://meet.google.com/ixp-bbfq-kqg
講座摘要 Abstract:
This talk explores how video art from the Asian diaspora complicates gendered and racialized projections of Asianness, with particular focus on the racial-gender imaginaries of post-Cold War neoliberal European. I take as my case study prominent artist Hito Steyerl’s “poor image” video practice, offering it as a form of visual sabotage that is not merely technological but also geopolitically informed. While critics have highlighted the ways in which Steyerl’s video work subverts the idea of indexical truth in the digital age, my interest lies in how the artist employs disruptive tactics in her work in ways that foreground historical demands for feminized and racialized servitude in the Asia Pacific.